jeudi 25 juin 2015

Create a Yum repository on Exalogic

This document describes how to create a yum repository on ZFS Storage inside an Exalogic machine.

Prepare your environment

Create a zfs share

Connect to one of the storage server to create a share.
This share hosts the Exalogic yum repository.
  • Connect to storage server

Add Share to project

  • Create a share named ‘yum-repo’ on common project

Add permissions on share

  • Add Nfs Exception to access the share from IPoIB-vserver-shared-storage network.
  • Add read/Write and root access.

Prepare repository

Mount ‘yum-repo’ share on a vServer

- Edit /etc/fstab and add a entry : /export/common/yum-repo nfsv4 rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=131072,wsize=131072 0 0
With is the IPoIB address of the storage server on IPoIB-vserver-shared-storage

  • Create directory /export/common/yum-repo
# mkdir –p /export/common/yum-repo

  • Mount directory on vServer :
# mount /export/common/yum-repo

Prepare files

  • upload Oracle Enterprise Linux iso file in the share :
With your favorite scp client, copy Oracle Enterprise Linux iso file to /export/common/yum-repo.

  • Create temporary directory and repository version directory :
# mkdir –p /export/common/yum-repo/tmp /export/common/yum-repo/OEL_6.5

  • mount iso file on the temporary directory :
# mount -o loop /export/common/yum-repo/OEL_6.5.iso /export/common/yum-repo/tmp

  • Copy iso content in repository directory :
# cp -r /export/common/yum-repo/tmp/* /export/common/yum-repo/OEL_6.5

Create your repository

  • To create repository, you must install createrepo package.
This package can be found on temporary directory previously created

Control if already installed :
# rpm –qa |grep createrepo

  • Install package :
# rpm –Uvh /export/common/yum-repo/tmp/createrepo-0.4.11-3.el5.x86_64.rpm /export/common/yum-repo/tmp/deltarpm-* /export/common/yum-repo/tmp/python-deltarpm-*

  • At this step, remove any link to Packages directory in subdirectories to avoid loop in repository :
# find . -name Packages -type l -exec rm -f {} \;

  • Create repository :
# cd /export/common/yum-repo/OEL_6.5/
# createrepo .
3380/3380 - Cluster/ipvsadm-1.24-13.el5.x86_64.rpm pmpmx86_64.rpm
Saving Primary metadata
Saving file lists metadata
Saving other metadata

Cleanup environment

  • Unmount iso file :
# cd /export/common/yum-repo/
# umount –f /export/common/yum-repo/tmp/

  • Delete iso file :
# rm -f /export/common/yum-repo/OEL_5.8.iso

Configure yum client

Update configuration files

  • Update /etc/yum.conf file :
Add exclusion to Exalogic specific package which cannot be updated:
exclude=kernel* compat-dapl* dapl* ib-bonding* ibacm* ibutils* ibsim* infiniband-diags* kmod-ovmapi-uek* libibcm* libibmad* libibumad* libibverbs* libmlx4* libovmapi* librdmacm* libsdp* mpi-selector* mpitests_openmpi_gcc* mstflint* ofed* openmpi_gcc* opensm* ovm-template-config* ovmd* perftest* qperf* rds-tools* sdpnetstat* srptools* xenstoreprovider* initscripts* nfs-utils*

  • Create /etc/yum.repos.d/local_yum.repo file with the following content:
name=Exalogic Yum Rack

Refresh yum database

Refresh yum client on each machine now configured with the local repository.
  • First, clean yum cache :
# yum clean all
Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
Cleaning up Everything

  • Recreate yum cache and headers :
# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
This system is not registered with ULN.
ULN support will be disabled.
local_yum | 951 B 00:00
local_yum/primary | 1.4 MB 00:00
local_yum 3380/3380
Excluding Packages from Exalogic TVP yum rack
repo id repo name status
local_yum Exalogic TVP yum rack 3,288+92
repolist: 3,288

Now, you can install packages with yum install command.

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